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Psychological Assessment Tools 

Just some of the Assessment Tools we use at Boutique Psychology 

Image of South Yarra river Melbourne for Boutique Psychology location

Early Childhood Assessments (2.5 to 7 years):

  • Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence – Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV): This tool assesses intellectual functioning in young children, providing insights into verbal comprehension, visual spatial processing, fluid reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.

  • Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales – Third Edition (Vineland-3): Used for assessing the daily living skills, communication, and socialization skills necessary for determining functional capacities in early childhood.

Child and Adolescent Assessments (6 to 16 years):

  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fifth Edition (WISC-V): Measures cognitive ability including verbal comprehension, visual spatial skills, fluid reasoning, working memory, and processing speed in children and adolescents.

  • Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function – Second Edition (BRIEF-2): Evaluates executive functions such as task completion, emotional control, and cognitive regulation in home and school settings.

Adult Assessments (16 to 65 years):

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV): Provides a comprehensive measure of adult intellectual ability, assessing areas such as verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.

  • Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning – Adult Version (BRIEF-A): Assesses adult executive functions, crucial for managing daily responsibilities and occupational demands.

Specialised Tools for Diagnostic Clarity

  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule – Second Edition (ADOS-2) and Social Responsiveness Scale – Second Edition (SRS-2): Both are critical in assessing autism spectrum disorders across all ages, providing detailed analysis of social interaction and communication abilities.

  • Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS): This tool helps in identifying attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults, which is crucial for developing tailored interventions.

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