As humans, we’re natural learners. However learning is daunting for some of us. So what is a learning disorders assessment?
At Boutique Psychology Melbourne, we understand every child is different. Learning styles and classroom settings are not suited to all children. Assessments help to separate a specific condition or disorder from issues linked to anxiety or readiness for school.
Parents and educators can use our learning disorders assessments to access a child’s unique way of learning. It will also contribute to the assessment of the child’s academic potential.
We work with you and your child through an assessment. At the completion we provide a thorough assessment report. This offers parents and teachers insight into a child’s learning profile. As well as their academic capacity. This empowers you and your child to access the right support to meet their learning needs.
What are the common signs your child is experiencing learning difficulties?
Finding it very hard to spell.
Not enjoying reading.
Understanding and talking about things, but seem unable to write about them.
Very messy handwriting.
Difficulty hearing the sounds in words.
Difficulty remembering instructions or content.
Lack of confidence and disliking school.
Time management, organisation and social difficulties.
Why is early action so important?
There is no question that identifying learning difficulties early on can have a profound effect on long term outcomes. The earlier they are identified and an effective intervention program implemented, the better chance of success in school performance.
Early assessment can help with reducing related emotional problems. Emotional problems can be associated with failure, like anxiety or depression. As well as helping them succeed academically later on – kids who were given tailored support during primary schools tend to do much better. Those without it may be faced by additional challenges later.
What does the learning disorders assessment involve?
Generally, our assessments are broken up into two parts. A cognitive assessment and an achievement assessment. A cognitive assessment is what was formerly known as an IQ test. It looks at quantifying a children’s general intellectual ability looking at five areas:
Verbal comprehension
Visual Spatial
Fluid Reasoning
Working Memory
Processing speed
If your child is struggling in one of these areas, it can make it very difficult to keep up with their peers. Especially if the struggles are not identified and accommodations aren’t given. Our comprehensive assessments help you to help your child work out what style of learning suits them best.
The achievement assessment aspect identifies the academic strengths and challenges of a learner aged over 4 years and up to 19 years. Assessments help inform decisions about individual learning plans. Additionally eligibility for educational support and services, or diagnosis of a specific learning disability.
What does a learning assessment help you choose?
How and what to study.
What kind of work will make the most of your abilities.
How to turn your interests into a fulfilling career.
How to build your confidence and motivation.