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Preparing for a Functional Capacity Assessment

Assessments can be daunting and being prepared often helps people feel more in control.

Below is a list of things that you can do to help you prepare for your Functional Capacity Assessment with Boutique Psychology.

two women sitting at a table with paperwork between them, one woman appears to be explaining the paperwork to the other.

Understanding the assessment process

We will meet with you a few times to go through all of the activities and ask all of the questions we need answers to, to develop a comprehensive understanding of your individual strengths and limitations.

  • Psychosocial Functional Capacity Assessments typically include a clinical interview undertaken via zoom (which can last up to 2 hours) where you will be asked about how you grew and developed when you were younger, and they will ask about things that you find easy and that you may find tricky.

  • The second appointment will be in person where we may ask you to do some activities (including using blocks) and ask you some more questions.

  • You may have up to 2 or 3 in person appointments with the Psychologist or Provisional Psychologist they will keep you informed of how many times you need to see them.

  • The final appointment will be via zoom where the Psychologist or Provisional Psychologist will go through the report with you.

What can you do to help?

Before your first appointment gather all of the information that you think may help, this could

include school reports, medical reports, treatment plans, the names of medication you may

be currently taking or have previously taken. This information can help the

Psychologist/Provisional Psychologist with background to your medical history and some

insight into your ongoing health needs.

List daily activities and challenges – You are encouraged to write (or think up of) a list of

daily activities that you have challenges performing. This could be things that are difficult to

do at home, at school or challenging you may have accessing the community. Being specific

can help the team at Boutique Psychology understand the specific supports that may assist

you achieve your goals.

Set goals – Prior to seeing one of our friendly Psychologists/Provisional Psychologists

consider the goals that you would like to achieve, some short term and some long term.

Understanding your individual goals can assist the clinician provide targeted

recommendations to assist you achieve your goals.

Be well rested – Assessments can be tiring so its important to ensure that you are well-

rested and well feed prior to starting the assessment activities (bring your water bottle if you

need to). Also consider if the assessment is at the best time for you, early morning

assessments can be hard if you like to sleep late. Discuss your preferences with our friendly

administration team.

Plan for support – there are a lot of questions and sometimes it can be helpful to have a

family member, friend or support worker with you to provide you with support, articulate your

concerns and help ensure that important information is shared.

Talk to the person doing your assessment and ask lots of questions – if you are nervous

about something, feel free to discuss it with your Psychologist/Provisional Psychologist. The

more we understand about your everyday experiences and challenges the better we can

tailor the assessment and corresponding report to your needs.

Don’t worry if you forgot something, we meet a few times so you can bring it at a later date

or email it to us if that helps.

By preparing for the Functional Capacity Assessment you can help ensure that the information accurately reflects your needs and abilities and ensure that targeted supports and interventions are recommended.


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