Surviving and thriving as a Provisional Psychologist.
Hey Team,
Thank you for tuning into another edition of my Provisional Psychologist Journey blog. In this blog I will be reporting on my first month working in the field. Things I feel called to share and I must share, as a warning to future provisional psychologists.
AHPRA – Where do we even begin?
The thing about AHPRA is that they like us to hit our targets and create standards that govern our workings. Being surrounded by a team of really wonderful clinicians who aren’t only amazing at their job, they’re so helpful and positive to be around make me very grateful.
My AHPRA registration forms were rejected because my certifications on one document did not include the word “sited”.
As a result of this oversight, I received an email notifying me that I had a matter of days to correct this issue. Won’t lie and try to be nonchalant about it , I freaked out. When I went to my supervisor, she stepped me through it and really helped ease my concern about being rejected only a month into the program. Funny how things work out like that. Makes you stop and realise all the cogs are in alignment and in a matter of moments that can change and shift.
The way is not going to be all rainbows and butterflies
Some tips for your own Provisional Psychologist Journey when you are starting out, or anyone on this pathway. Not all rainbows and butterflies; however, the reward is great.
Get clear on what it is you want.
Fully understand the documentation.
Find a line manager or a supervisor who has the experience to guide you through the process.
Dot your I’s and cross your t’s because a tiny slip-up can make life a little tricky.
Notes on resilience in my Provisional Psychologist Journey.
In this industry, you need to know who you are, where you’re going, and how you need to up-skill and present yourself.
Read everything.
Print things out and have them in a physical form.
Get really comfortable and familiar with the content.
Know the assignments and have a good understanding of what timeline you’re going to stick to.
Our first year, we need to have:
One practice across the lifespan report, done and submitted.
A ‘working with diverse groups’ report or presentation.
Three ethical dilemma essays that consist of around 300 words each.
Logbooks. Do them weekly, if not daily.
Trust me. You do not want to get behind with your logbooks because it becomes a grind to get them back. Labelling everything in my diary to refer back to the specific days and times, is helpful and a solid guide.
Keep to your simple, clean plan.
The workload can seem overwhelming so it’s best to break it down. Set goals that are attainable and stick to them. Give yourself breathing room for discomfort. That sounds weird… But trust me. Even fresh into this pathway and this career I know what’s required to make it. Working full time and juggling life stress and just other stuff that we humans have to deal with. It’s hard. Add full-time study on top of that. Challenging but not unattainable.
Working with Cindy and the team here at Boutique Psychology St Kilda has taught me tips that I can take and use. My peers have also completed 4 plus 2’s or 5 plus 1’s, and I have exposure to like-minded individuals through periods of their plus program. Learning from them and learning from my superiors. Really been an eye-opener and hopefully, I can help guide at least one person out there.